How to Massage an Infant

How to Massage an Infant

Infant massage is a therapeutic activity parents can perform with their baby. Each time a parent spends 20 - 30 minutes massaging the child, a bonding occurs between them. Follow these steps to share your love with your infant.

Things You'll Need:

Baby massage oil


Warm area

Clean hands


Find a location that is comfortable, distraction free. Remove clothing and diapers from the baby.


Squeeze a couple of drops of baby massage oil into your palm. Rub the oil in your palms to warm your hands and oil. Add more oil if hands become dry.


Breathe deeply and slowly as you massage your baby.


Start with the legs, massaging with the hands toward the heart. Be very gentle. Roll the hands together between each leg. Roll the leg between your hands going down the leg from knee to ankle.


Gently push and massage the bottom of the foot with the thumb from heel to each toe, one after another. With your thumbs, push and massage the top of the foot in the direction of the ankle.


Make small circles all in the ankle area with your thumbs.


Stroke gently on baby's tummy, one hand after the other, as if you were scooping water toward yourself.


Place thumbs flat on baby's navel, with hands side by side on the tummy, push and massage out to the sides.


Position both hands together at the center of the chest. Gently push out and massage to the sides, like flattening bread dough.


Make small circles with your finger tips around the wrist. Shake arms very gently so they relax.


Start at the center of the baby's forehead, with flat gentle fingers, push slowly and massage out to the sides of the head.


Get ready to massage the back. Turn the baby on his or her tummy on your lap or on the floor.


Start at the top of the back with both hands together and gently massage the back following the right angles to the spine. Move your hands slowly back and forth, in opposite directions. Massage down the back to the buttocks. Massage up toward the shoulders and repeat.


Station the right hand up against the buttocks. Massage from the neck move the left hand down to the buttocks where the right hand is.


Say slowly and positively that you are ending the massage. Thank the baby for letting you massage him or her.

Tips & Warnings

Give your baby the freedom to move. Let your baby move his or her hands and arms to their chest. This is natural and happens often.