How to Make a Tofu Plaster

How to Make a Tofu Plaster

An unusual but effective home remedy to relieve burns or provide comfort to someone with a fever is a tofu plaster. Tofu absorbs heat readily and can be even more effective than ice.

Things You'll Need:

1 lb. Chinese style tofu

Unbleached white flour

Towel or cotton fabric


Mash tofu thoroughly in a bowl. You can use your hands for this, or you can use a fork or potato masher.


Slowly add the white flour until you achieve a paste-like consistency. If you add so much flour that the mixture becomes dry and crumbly, add a little water or unsweetened soy milk.


Apply the tofu plaster to a burn. If treating a burn or sunburn, spread directly on the burn and cover with a light cotton fabric.


Use on any part of the body for fever, spreading thinly. Focus on the area that feels most hot, such as the forehead or chest.


Wipe off the plaster with a soft cloth as it absorbs the heat and becomes warm. Reapply the plaster until the hot area feels relief.


Rinse the tofu plaster off with cool water when you are done treating the burn or fever. Soaking in a cool bath or taking a gentle, cool shower is an effective way to end your tofu plaster treatment.


Save leftover tofu plaster in the refrigerator, and use it within the week.

Tips & Warnings

If you need immediate relief, another home remedy is to place a piece of tofu directly on a burn for most of the same benefits. Replace the tofu when it becomes warm. If you don't have tofu, you can use raw green cabbage leaves instead!

Chinese style tofu has greater heat absorption than does silken, or Japanese, style, though silken can still be used in a pinch!

If you have a severe burn, seek medical attention.