How to Massage an Infant

How to Massage an Infant

Infant massage is a therapeutic activity parents can perform with their baby. Each time a parent spends 20 - 30 minutes massaging the child, a bonding occurs between them. Follow these steps to share your love with your infant.

Things You'll Need:

Baby massage oil


Warm area

Clean hands


Find a location that is comfortable, distraction free. Remove clothing and diapers from the baby.


Squeeze a couple of drops of baby massage oil into your palm. Rub the oil in your palms to warm your hands and oil. Add more oil if hands become dry.


Breathe deeply and slowly as you massage your baby.


Start with the legs, massaging with the hands toward the heart. Be very gentle. Roll the hands together between each leg. Roll the leg between your hands going down the leg from knee to ankle.


Gently push and massage the bottom of the foot with the thumb from heel to each toe, one after another. With your thumbs, push and massage the top of the foot in the direction of the ankle.


Make small circles all in the ankle area with your thumbs.


Stroke gently on baby's tummy, one hand after the other, as if you were scooping water toward yourself.


Place thumbs flat on baby's navel, with hands side by side on the tummy, push and massage out to the sides.


Position both hands together at the center of the chest. Gently push out and massage to the sides, like flattening bread dough.


Make small circles with your finger tips around the wrist. Shake arms very gently so they relax.


Start at the center of the baby's forehead, with flat gentle fingers, push slowly and massage out to the sides of the head.


Get ready to massage the back. Turn the baby on his or her tummy on your lap or on the floor.


Start at the top of the back with both hands together and gently massage the back following the right angles to the spine. Move your hands slowly back and forth, in opposite directions. Massage down the back to the buttocks. Massage up toward the shoulders and repeat.


Station the right hand up against the buttocks. Massage from the neck move the left hand down to the buttocks where the right hand is.


Say slowly and positively that you are ending the massage. Thank the baby for letting you massage him or her.

Tips & Warnings

Give your baby the freedom to move. Let your baby move his or her hands and arms to their chest. This is natural and happens often.

How to Make Relaxation a Habit

How to Make Relaxation a Habit

We live in stressful times. People are trying different relaxation techniques with increasing popularity to ease the stress of everyday life. Enjoy the benefits of de-stressing by practicing how to relax. Incorporate a few simple changes into your daily routine and create habits to relieve stress. Relaxation can reduce the levels of toxins that contribute to many major diseases. Read on to learn more.


Practice relaxation techniques. Breathing techniques relax the mind and body. Sit quietly in a comfortable position. Close your eyes and relax all of your muscles starting with your feet and slowly moving to each area until you reach your face. Slowly inhale and exhale deeply through your nose. Continue for 10 to 20 minutes. Alternate between flexing and relaxing your muscles.


Listen to calming sounds every day. Whether the sounds come from your satellite radio, CDs, iPod, MP3 player or from the sounds of your own musical instrument. Choose music or sounds that are relaxing and reduce stress. Use this method during your commute to and from work, at lunch time, in the office while working or at night to help unwind from the day's activities. Combine the music with breathing techniques to increase your relaxation.


Obtain visuals to encourage relaxation and positive affirmations. Visit a relaxation website to download visually stimulating relaxation DVD's, music and scenery. Go to a bookstore and peruse the self-help section to find materials that teach and promote relaxation.


Purchase a massager for your neck, back, feet and shoulder. Try portable massagers. Many are designed to apply pressure to a specific part of the body to stimulate relaxation. Incorporate breathing techniques to increase the relaxing effect.


Make an herbal or botanical wrap. Use wraps in conjunction with aromatherapy. Purchase a yard of fabric, preferably fleece, cotton or a natural fiber. Cut it in a 24-by-20 inch rectangle. Sew or use fabric glue to adhere the sides. Leave one end open. Fill with dried beans or rice. Add an essential oil like
, chamomile or eucalyptus. Sew or glue the open end together. Use the wrap hot or cold. Wrap it around your neck and shoulders.


Select a cold or hot wrap. Place the wrap in the refrigerator or microwave and put it on the part of the body that is tight or sore from tension. Combine the technique with deep breathing, aromatherapy, and massage oils to help penetrate deep into the muscles and provide soothing relief.


Use an aromatherapy shower gel, lotion or by butter to calm and relax. Orange, lemon and peppermint are invigorating scents that naturally energize. Use calming scents like chamomile or lavender to relax and de-stress the body naturally.


Move your body. Try physical exercises like yoga, dance or
martial arts
which teach controlled movements, breathing and relaxation.

Tips & Warnings

Relaxation can be combined with religious practice and meditation.

How to Make Reishi Tea

How to Make Reishi Tea

One of the most ancient and respected natural healing methods in China and Japan is the use of the reishi mushroom. There are 2,000-year-old written records from China honoring the healing properties of this fungus. It was considered to be the most powerful and versatile drug available. In China it is called lingzhi and in Japan reishi. Read on to learn how to make Reishi tea.


Find a retail outlet for reishi mushrooms. You can order them over the Internet or find a health food store that sells them. Make sure you are getting a good quality mushroom by checking the reputation of the supplier. Buy only a small amount at first because they are quite expensive and you must test for an allergic reaction before consuming the daily amount recommended.


Soak one reishi mushroom overnight to soften it. It has a very hard husk which may be covered with a sporous powder. Do not wash this powder off because it has strong healing properties. If you cannot soak it overnight, place it in a pot to simmer for four to six hours before preparing tea. Do not use aluminum pots to soak or boil the mushrooms in.


Cool the mushroom after simmering. Cut up the reishi mushroom into small pieces and place in a pot with two quarts of water. Boil slowly for one to two hours, using a lid to keep vaporization to a minimum. One pot of reishi tea should last at least five days. It must be kept in the refrigerator, leaving the mushroom pieces mixed in with the liquid.


Test for an allergic reaction before consuming recommended doses. The first day consume only one tablespoon of the tea. If there are no adverse effects take a little more each day until you are drinking one to two ounces each morning and evening. It has a very bitter flavor so you might want to add honey or some kind of sweet fruit juice.


Learn about the many medicinal qualities associated with the reishi mushroom. It is believed to help treat bronchitis, neurosis, nervous tension, hepatitis, blood circulation and many other ailments.

Tips & Warnings

There are six types of reishi mushrooms: red, black, blue, white, yellow and purple. The red mushrooms are said to have the most powerful healing qualities so these are usually the ones used for making the tea.

How to Make Herbal Incense

How to Make Herbal Incense

For centuries incense has been used for healing, meditation, religious worship and seduction. Scent changes the atmosphere of a space and alters people's mood. Incense is made of pulverized herbs like cinnamon, vanilla, thyme, sage, sandalwood and cedar. Used as early as 1530 B.C. in ancient Egypt, herbal incense is limited to herbs or herbal essential oils as its sole aromatic ingredient to the exclusion of resins and woods. Make some herbal incense and put your personal stamp in any space your homemade incense is burned.

Things You'll Need:


Mortar and pestle

Essential oil

Odorless charcoal

Dish or dish-shaped holder filled with sand

Matches or a lighter


Select your herbs. Take care to use the freshest herbs around. The scent of some herbs when heated is very similar to their raw scent while others smell quite different. Experimentation is the best way to find the herbs that appeal to you when heated in incense form.


Pulverize the herbs. The best way to do this is with a mortar and pestle because it does not damage the aromatic properties of the plants.


Mix all of the herbs together. At this point, and a few drops of an essential oil if you feel it helps the aroma of your incense.


Allow the mixture to cure. Place it in an airtight container and store it in a cool, dry, dark place for two weeks. This allows the aromas of each ingredient to fully blend.


Fill a dish-shaped holder with sand and place a piece of odorless charcoal on the sand to contain any sparks or ash from the charcoal as it smolders.


Light the charcoal.


Sprinkle the incense mixture over the lit charcoal. Allow a few minutes for the charcoal to fully heat the herbal incense. The aroma of the incense strengthens as the heat of the charcoal increases.

Tips & Warnings

Avoid using an electric device to grind your herbs. Electric grinders have blades or graters that move at fast speeds to accomplish the grinding. This motion creates heat that leaches the aromatic properties out of herbs. Save the electric coffee grinders for woods when making incense that includes them.

How to Make a Tofu Plaster

How to Make a Tofu Plaster

An unusual but effective home remedy to relieve burns or provide comfort to someone with a fever is a tofu plaster. Tofu absorbs heat readily and can be even more effective than ice.

Things You'll Need:

1 lb. Chinese style tofu

Unbleached white flour

Towel or cotton fabric


Mash tofu thoroughly in a bowl. You can use your hands for this, or you can use a fork or potato masher.


Slowly add the white flour until you achieve a paste-like consistency. If you add so much flour that the mixture becomes dry and crumbly, add a little water or unsweetened soy milk.


Apply the tofu plaster to a burn. If treating a burn or sunburn, spread directly on the burn and cover with a light cotton fabric.


Use on any part of the body for fever, spreading thinly. Focus on the area that feels most hot, such as the forehead or chest.


Wipe off the plaster with a soft cloth as it absorbs the heat and becomes warm. Reapply the plaster until the hot area feels relief.


Rinse the tofu plaster off with cool water when you are done treating the burn or fever. Soaking in a cool bath or taking a gentle, cool shower is an effective way to end your tofu plaster treatment.


Save leftover tofu plaster in the refrigerator, and use it within the week.

Tips & Warnings

If you need immediate relief, another home remedy is to place a piece of tofu directly on a burn for most of the same benefits. Replace the tofu when it becomes warm. If you don't have tofu, you can use raw green cabbage leaves instead!

Chinese style tofu has greater heat absorption than does silken, or Japanese, style, though silken can still be used in a pinch!

If you have a severe burn, seek medical attention.

How to Shop for Maternity Wear

How to Shop for Maternity Wear

If you're like the majority of women, you'll notice that by the middle of your second trimester, oversized tops and bottoms may no longer cut it. As you begin to stock up on true maternity wear, think about building a wardrobe around multiple separates that will keep you both comfortable and stylish.

Things You'll Need:

Maternity Dresses

Maternity Pants

Maternity Shorts

Maternity Tops


Shop for your pre-pregnancy size. Most maternity-wear companies grade their clothes based on how each size will fill out during


Remember the stretch. Look for items that have 4 percent to 10 percent spandex or elastin, which guarantees your clothes will expand as you do.


Check the cuts. You want to find bottoms that have a very generous section for your growing belly, and tops with a tent or A-line shape.


Opt for dresses and skirts with lengths that hit the knee and below. Your growing belly will eventually pull front hems up.


Buy multiple tops to go with a few pairs of bottoms, varying the color depending on the season. Consider black with other darks for winter, black with brights for spring, and black with white for summer and fall.


Try things on whenever possible. It may look big enough, but you really want to get an idea how a waistband feels around your tummy or how comfortable your breasts will be in a given top.

Tips & Warnings

Having twins? Shop one size up from your pre-pregnancy size.

When buying in months five and six, make sure you have enough room to grow into your seventh and eighth month.

For the largest selection of stylish, practical and hip maternity wear, check out the Related Sites.

Stripes and prints may enhance your largesse. Stick to solids, especially darks, to minimize your curves.

How to Shop for Mastectomy Clothing

How to Shop for Mastectomy Clothing

Picking out clothes is difficult enough without having mastectomy needs affect the final decision. Knowing what to look for and where to shop for mastectomy clothing eliminates a lot of the frustration you may feel. Feel confident and beautiful when buying a new top, swimsuit and other upper body fashion items. Read on to learn more.


Look for brand names like American Boutique, Jodee and Classique when purchasing mastectomy bras. See the eHow titled "How to Shop for Mastectomy Bras" for more information.


Ask other breast cancer survivors where they shop for their favorite post-surgery clothing items.


Check out a Lands End catalog or shop at one of their stores which carry a line of mastectomy swimwear in stylish designs.


Shop online at any of the specialty


listed after searching with keywords "mastectomy" and "clothing" or use the specific clothing name like "bra" or "top."


Buy plunging necklines if comfortable with the idea. Otherwise, expect most mastectomy tops with higher cuts in the chest and underarm areas.


Purchase good breast form inserts and look great in any form fitting mastectomy top, such as camisoles, halter-tops or lingerie. Feeling confident about the way new breast forms feel and look is a great way to improve self-image and feel sexy, too.


Stay in your comfort zone regarding style and design of mastectomy tops. If you are not ready to show scars or take risks, do not risk buying an expensive low cut designer swimsuit and never wearing it.


Keep your existing wardrobe by having favorite blouses and dresses altered by a professional tailor to add breast form pockets.


Visit any women's department store for stylish outerwear without special mastectomy modifications. You can buy cute


, shawls or exotic cover-ups that allow one to dress daring while camouflaging scars or inserts.


Go with breast inserts and forms that work for you. They come in a variety of sizes, weights, colors and options (with or without nipple, color or no color) that work for most mastectomy needs.

Tips & Warnings

Choose under wire bras with small wires so as not to injure numb breast areas with wire ends.

Look for breast implant materials with a non-slipping matte finish instead of glossy. The matte material stays in place better with minimal slippage.

Make sure the breast forms are safe in chlorinated or salt water before buying to use in a swimsuit.

How to Shop for Mastectomy Bras

How to Shop for Mastectomy Bras

As if breast cancer and going through a mastectomy isn't enough, many women have to face yet another challenge when it comes to shopping for a mastectomy bra. Hopefully, the following guidelines will help ease some of the stress when it comes to shopping for a mastectomy bra.


Check with the nursing staff at your surgeon's office for information on shopping for a mastectomy bra. This is usually a part of the support system in place to provide you direction on places to be fitted properly according to the surgery you have had.


Talk with other women who have under gone a mastectomy to ask for suggestions on where they shopped for their mastectomy bras. These women will be a wonderful support system and just might have some excellent ideas and suggestions to help you as you shop for your mastectomy bra.


Shop at stores that specialize in medical needs of women. You will find these listed in your local telephone directory or check the directory through your computer for locations and directions to such type stores. Many of these retail stores are set up as a "boutique" type retail store. Call and talk to a staff member to see if you need to set up an appointment for a fitting.


Browse online retail sites or Internet sites that specialize in post surgery needs for women such as mastectomy bras. There are many of these retailers, so compare several for pricing and styles. Be sure to be clear on their return policies in the event that the mastectomy bra does not fit properly and must be returned.

How to Shop for Jeans

How to Shop for Jeans

You want the perfect jeans, but you are shopping on your lunch hour and you don't have a lot of time. You can do this quickly.


Know your size! Are you a 12 in misses or a 13 in juniors? You must know that. I would suggest always going to the misses or women's department if you are over 24, so you are never in danger of showing off plumber crack or having your jeans too low on you.


What type are you looking for? Skinny jeans with a flare leg. What type of wash? Light, dark, black? Always shop with a mission!


Once you find your size and cut, do something crazy, I want you to take the waist of the jeans and wrap it around your neck. Stay with me here. If they fit around your neck with no problem without overlapping, you got the perfect size. If they are not even close, you got the wrong size.


Now that you have your jeans, put them on top of your body where you usually wear your jeans. Do they hang where you want them?


If everything works out, you found your perfect jeans without trying them on. Get to the check-out and go!

Tips & Warnings

Always look at the care tag, making sure you find a jean with a percentage of spandex in it. They will fit you better and have a little give if you go a little crazy on the potato chips.

Wash your jeans in cold water when you first get them so they won't shrink.

How to Shop for Jeans While on a Budget

How to Shop for Jeans While on a Budget

If you prefer to not spend much money on overpriced jeans, read on for how to shop and find the 'perfect' jeans for at a decent price.


Go to retail stores that sells jeans for half the price you would pay at places like


. Marshalls, Aj Wright or TJ Maxx are some of the best places to look for great jeans, especially the name brand ones.


Go online and search for stores, preferably eBay and look for jeans. Make sure to read the seller's description to know more about what you want to buy--the color, material, good quality, the condition and if it matches your body type.


Look for clearances on the sales rack. Purchase them soon as possible as most people might snatch them up quickly if you wait another day to buy them. If it is winter, look for summer sales and vice versa since most of the clothing is at very low prices.


One of the best things you can find is at the

. This store has dozens of jeans for
and adults and many of them are of good quality. The jeans will cost no higher than $5 for one pair.